• We offer Dog Boarding, Team Mushing, Dog Powered Sports Training & Rescue for Northern Dog Breeds



We offer dog boarding for all breeds big and small. We allow single day bookings thru long term (multiple weeks or months) bookings. Extended stay rates are quoted on a case by case basis. These rates will not be listed on our pricing menu. Please email us for extended stay rates and availability.

Board and train for team mushing and dog powered sports are also available.

All dogs who are boarded or training with us must be up to date on all core vaccinations required by the state of Minnesota. Core vaccinates are; Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus and most important Rabies. Proof of vaccinations will be required (at the latest) 24 hours prior to drop off. Proof of vaccines can be emailed to betweenthepineskennel@gmail.com please put your dog/s name and board dates in the subject line. All dogs must also be on some form of flea and tick prevention. We prefer all dogs to be spayed or neutered, but will make exceptions if no overlap with other clients. NO females in heat!

We are currently boarding inside our home. For the safety of our family, resident dogs and guest dogs we require all dogs to sleep in crates at night. We have spare crates here, but if you feel your dog would be more comfortable in their own crate we have more than enough space to accommodate. Feel free to bring with a bed, blanket or toy from home for your dog to sleep with. Please also bring your dog’s food and any treats or bones you would like them to have during their stay.

Please note that we are unable to accept dogs who are aggressive or have high separation anxiety. We are not equipped to handle these behaviors. Any behavioral issues should be addressed prior to booking.

To ensure adequate exercise and outdoor playtime we are only allowing dogs from 1-2 families at a time. On average we usually have 1-3 guest dogs staying with us. If you have more than 3 dogs we are happy to accommodate as long as we do not have too much overlap with other families. Rates for boarding 3+ dogs are determined on a case by case basis. Please email BPK with inquiries for rates and availability.

  • Single dog- $40 per day

    Additional dog - $25 per day

    Puppy rates - $50 per day

    Holiday weekend rates - $50 per day

    For 3 or more dogs or stays longer than a week please email betweenthepineskennel@gmail.com for pricing.

    Above prices include outdoor play time, as many bathroom breaks as needed and exercise plan.

    Training in dog powered sports or mushing are additional fees.

  • Are you interested in getting into dog sledding, drylands mushing, bikejor, canicorss or skijor?

    We offer Dog Sled / Dryland Mushing training for your dog.

    All dogs must be at least one year of age or older. Your dog/s will need to be assessed prior to booking training sessions. We cannot make your dog pull. They either have the passion for it or they do not. If pulling is in their genes we would love to help train your dog in harness. All breeds are welcome into our training program.

    Single Dog Rates Board and Train - $65 per day

    For multiple dogs please email betweenthepineskennel@gmail.com for pricing.

  • On occasion we will rescue northern breed dogs (huskies, malamutes and mixes). Our rescues will be crate trained, leash trained and trained in dog powered sports. Available dogs will be posted on our social media pages. Facebook & Instagram Adoption fees will vary.

    If you know of a shelter dog or owner surrender who would benefit from our rescue and training program, please email us at betweenthepineskennel@gmail.com


Photo by Heidt Photography